Brief Strategic Therapy
In psychotherapy, various theoretical models explain how individuals interact with themselves, others, and the world.
While Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is widely known, another valuable approach is Brief Strategic Therapy (BST). Developed by Giorgio Nardone and his team at the Strategic Therapy Centre in Arezzo -founded by Nardone and Paul Watzlawick- Italy, this method offers a solution-focused alternative to traditional therapy.
The goals of Brief Strategic Therapy are twofold: to alleviate unwanted symptoms or dysfunctional behaviours and to bring about a shift in the person's perception and construction of reality. Influenced by constructivism, this approach recognises that individuals shape their behaviours based on their own perceptions, which are rooted in their unique experiences.
In BST, the focus is on understanding how the problem operates rather than searching for its causes. Instead of dwelling on why the problem exists, the therapist investigates how the problem functions and determines the most effective solution.
Often, when faced with a problem, our instinct is to find a solution that has worked in the past or for others in similar situations. If this strategy proves effective, the problem is resolved quickly. However, when our attempted solution fails, we tend to intensify our efforts in the same direction, convinced that it is the best and most logical approach. These unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem are known as "attempted solutions" in Brief Strategic Therapy. Paradoxically, the more we employ these attempted solutions, the worse the situation becomes. A prime example is avoidance, where our natural reaction to fear leads us to avoid the source of fear. However, by avoiding it, we inadvertently make the stimulus even scarier.
To bring about successful change, we must address the ineffective coping reactions that perpetuate or worsen the problem.
Through alternative strategies and persuasive communication, the therapist guides the individual towards changing their perception and taking action. The aim is to provide a corrective emotional experience that shifts their perspective. Rather than merely explaining how perceptions, feelings, and behaviours work (as in CBT), the focus is on encouraging action first, allowing cognitive processes to follow. This experiential approach facilitates understanding through personal engagement: knowing through changing.
Brief Strategic Therapy (BST) is a highly effective and evidence-based, yet less commonly recognised therapeutic method in the UK compared to more widely practiced approaches like CBT. It demonstrates an extraordinarily high rate of efficacy across various disorders, with success rates reaching up to 91% in some cases. This effectiveness is validated by the multitude of successfully treated cases overseen by Professor Giorgio Nardone and his colleagues, both at the Arezzo Strategic Therapy Centre and at various locations worldwide, over several decades.
Persistent problems do not always require long-term therapies or complex solutions. By employing a different approach and harnessing the power of change, we can find solutions together.
As Albert Einstein famously said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
If you are currently struggling with a situation or problem, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am here to support you on your journey.
+91% of recovered cases
This data is based on 88 therapies completed between years 2022 - June 2024.
A case is deemed as recovered when at the end of the treatment the person has achieved all of their goals identified at the start of the therapy.
The average of sessions needed to complete treatment is 11.
Brief Strategic Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Brief Strategic Therapy
Based on the theory of change
The strategic therapist initially employs therapeutic manoeuvres that create genuine corrective emotional experiences in the patient's perceptions and actions, allowing them to then develop the ability to manage them.
Focuses on changing patterns of interaction and communication within the context of social systems.
May employ strategic, creative, and sometimes counterintuitive techniques to induce change, often incorporating paradoxical interventions.
Uses strategic interventions tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each client.
Uses hypnotic and evocative language that makes the patient feel before to understand.
Employs suggestive metaphors, stories and anecdotes, as well as verbal and non-verbal hypnotic communication.
Change occurs quickly through the unblocking of symptoms, which may appear almost magical.
Therapist employs therapeutic techniques that induce individuals to first change their perception of things that lead to pathological reactions, and then their reaction to reality, leading to the acquisition of the ability to manage it - change to know.
Knowledge is acquired through discovery followed by subsequent acquisitions.
Resistances are bypassed using therapeutic stratagems that create change beyond the voluntary effort of the patient, and disrupting rigid patterns of behaviour.
By bypassing resistance to change, is clearly more efficient, meaning it leads to a cure in a much shorter period of time.
Solution-focused and future oriented, aiming to help clients achieve their goals and resolve their difficulties efficiently.
Focuses on identifying and amplifying clients' strengths and resources to generate solutions to their problems. It emphasizes building on what is already working well for the client and exploring exceptions to the problem.
Focused on changing relational and interactional patterns that contribute to the maintenance of problems.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Based on the learning theory,
Therapist guides patient through a process based on awareness and voluntary effort to learn how to combat and manage the disorder.
Focused on changing maladaptive thoughts, emotions, and behaviours through cognitive restructuring and behaviour modification techniques.
Communication is logical and rational, the language commonly used for explanation.
More analytical and logical approach.
Change occurs progressively through learning to control one's thoughts and actions - knowing to change.
Therapist guides the patient through a process based on awareness and voluntary effort to learn how to combat or manage the disorder.
Knowledge is acquired gradually
Change is achieved through the willpower of the individual, often encountering resistance to change.
Resistance to change and a logical approach, where the individual needs first to understand to initiate a change, may often delay recovery.
Problem-focused, concentrating on analysing and addressing the specific problems or issues that the individual presents. It involves identifying the root causes of the problem and working to resolve or mitigate them.
Primarily targets individual symptoms and distressing emotions
Constructivist theory - BST and CBT operate on the premise that individuals construct their own reality through their interactions with themselves, others, and the world.
Intervention protocols - Both approaches have developed intervention protocols based on therapeutic dialogue and the employment of therapeutical prescriptions/ assignments to be completed between sessions.
Goal-oriented - Focused on achieving specific outcomes within a relatively short period of time.
Present-focused - Emphasise addressing current issues and symptoms rather than exploring past experiences
Collaboration - Involve collaboration between therapist and client, with the therapist guiding the therapeutic process.
Empirical method - Employ an empirical and experimental method for validating techniques and controlling outcomes.
Change and learning - Change processes and learning processes have occurred at the end of effective therapy, which is indispensable for building a new healthy balance to replace the previous unhealthy one.